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The Journey!

Dreams!  Although they seem impossible at times, dreams have a strong role in defining what a person becomes. If we look back into our past, whatever we are today, started from a dream. It might be something small, but it has evolved over time. New dreams keep popping up every now and then, and I believe, that at least some of them play a crucial role in defining who we. Back in 2012, was when I completed my 12th Grade, I was confused as I had a lot of options in front of me. I was worried, because I knew I was making an important decision on how my future would look like. Being inspired by movies, I was very much tempted to choose the stream of Electronics and Communication. All I wanted to do was to build the stuff as I saw in movies. I was extremely excited, like most of us, when I joined an Engineering college          Later, I realized whatever was taught in college, was just an advanced version of high schools. Of Course, I learned a lot of basics, but the extensive theory was ki

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